Address: 1451 East Sierra Avenue, Fresno
Arrival Time at Location: 12:30p
Performance Time: 1:15p & 1:55p
Finish Packing Up: 2:45p
Attire: Official 2022/23 WGTB Outfit. RED WGTB shirt, solid black pants/shorts, solid black, socks, solid black shoes
Specific Directions: Notes: This is 5yr veteran TANNER’s school. We want to make sure his band is ready to help him look GOOD!
Try to park on Millbrook. The van & trailer will enter campus from the Millbrook gate just south of the buildings. You should be able to see it from Millbrook.
We will need a parent to guard the gate to make sure only WGTB families enter from there (bring an umbrella in case it is raining). PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE WILLING TO HELP US OUT IN THIS WAY.
If you arrive on the later side and there isn’t anyone at the gate, you will need to enter from the main office.
We also need parent help to give our postcards out to the teachers as they bring their classes in.
Please make sure your ‘beater is in good standing with their teachers and principals so they won’t mind them missing an afternoon to PLAY a GIG! : >)
If you have to be late to arrive, please plan to stay longer to help pack up. If you have to leave soon after we finish, please plan to arrive on time and help us set up. If you can do neither for this gig, please plan to help out more on the next gig.