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Centennial Elementary

27mar12:05 pm2:05 pmCentennial Elementary

Event Details

Address: 3830 E Saginaw Way, Fresno

Arrival Time at Location: 12:05p

Performance Time: 12:50p & 1:30p


Finish Packing Up: 2:20p

Attire: Official 2022/23 WGTB Outfit. RED WGTB shirt, solid black pants/shorts, solid black shoes

Specific Directions: This school in in the middle of a residential area. You will need to park on the street. Enter the campus through the front main entrance. The cafeteria where we are playing is the first main building on your left. Walk past the building and turn left. You should see our van & trailer in the back of the parking lot in the loading dock area.

Notes: We will probably be LOW on numbers. We would all appreciate your efforts to get to the gig ASAP. If your schedule will only allow your Beater to be at our gig for the performance time itself, we will take them.  If they have the time to either help set-up or tear down, we will take THAT.  You can make the lost time up to us at another gig :>)

Please make sure your ‘beater is in good standing with their teachers and principals so they won’t mind them missing an afternoon to PLAY a GIG! : >)


March 27, 2023 12:05 pm - 2:05 pm(GMT+00:00)


Centennial Elementary

3830 E Saginaw Way

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