Arrival time Caruthers Fairgrounds: 11:15 am or as soon as possible. Look for the van & trailer by the front gate
Performance Time: NEW 12:00-1:00 pm
Event Details
Arrival time Caruthers Fairgrounds: 11:15 am or as soon as possible. Look for the van & trailer by the front gate
Attire: Official 24-45 shirt on top, ALL BLACK on the bottom. NO OTHER COLORS ALLOWED. If your shoes have other colors on them, you MUST cover the other colors with BLACK TAPE. NO WHITE SOCKS WITH SHORTS PLEASE! NO FANCY BELT BUCKLES. BLACK ONLY EVERYTHING EXCEPT OUR OFFICIAL SHIRT
Specific Directions: Caruthers 2023 Please read these, print if necessary, and follow exactly. GPSs alone are not the best thing to use here. The Caruthers Parade will be finishing up as we are gathering to unload. These directions take you around the parade route.
Notes: We set up, play and pack together as a band so:
Please make sure your Beater is free to help us move equipment, set up, tear down, and pack the van and trailer
Please make sure your Beater doesn’t eat food or have a drink in their hands while we are moving or packing equipment
Thanks for your cooperation
The kids are already getting used to moving equipment. We may need parent help with some of the heavier cases. We will need strong-backed parents to help us lift keyboards onto the stage and bring them back down after we play. After the van and trailer are packed everyone will be free to enjoy the fair and the rest of your weekend :>)